Sunday, February 2, 2014

Merry Christmas from Elder Lamb

I know that this is over a month late but here is what Christmas in the Mission Field looks like. It was his first one away and at first it was super awkward, but I think that he had a blast and enjoyed every minute of it!!

 This was his little christmas tree set up

 I made elder lamb a shirt that has "Merry Christmas Elder Lamb" And so he took pictures with a bunch of people wearing it!! The first one is of his companion, and the second is of a family in the ward he is serving in

 His ward Christmas party with the zone leaders. He sent me this same picture home and all the elders had signed it, i thought that it was hilarious!

At home just before i sent him the shirt i took it around to loved ones of Elder Lamb and had them try on the shirt and took pictures with them in it. One of the things i made Elder Lamb for Christmas was a personalized calendar and so i collaged the pictures together for December, and it worked out great!

Wednesday, November 27, 2013


He is absolutely spoiled! I was lucky enough to find a man who will be going to kelowna this week and said he could take elder lamb his Christmas present! It's nice because I know I am saving a ton of money this way! I didn't get everything ready in enough time but the stuff that isn't is light weight so it's all good :) soo excited for him to get all his stuff!

Sunday, July 21, 2013

A touch of creativity

I'm not very creative so this is the best he will probably get on his mission!

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Something sweet

Last week Jordan sent my cousin a letter, this was her reaction :)

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

The long days but short months

Although it has been 2 months, it has gone by quick! The days leading up to the months, have been long. Some longer than others but each day hes on my mind at some point, something happens and I just think.
I remember when Jordan and I use to do that!
But it is ok. Most days have been all right! I know its where he is supposed to be and the Lord has called him on a mission for only good! Who doesn't want a RM anyways?!

I was getting ready for bed tonight and I was listening to the playlist Jordan and I made for when we would go for truck rides. Which was every day and there is one song in particular that was Jordan's favourite song for a very long time. it was Jump On My Shoulders by Awolnation. I find it rather catchy and fun, and that is probably the reason why he liked it so much! When Jordan likes a song you could always tell! He would rock out and make it fun! I find that all of his past favourite songs have basically  an emotional attachment to me. But when I was listening to the song tonight for the billionth time there is a line at the end and the guy sings "Its not supposed to be easy"
And I know, no, it is not supposed to be easy, and it never will be! We have to expect the worse but hope for the best! I know that these next 22 months are going to be tough, but it will be fun and full of adventure, like look at me already! I am staying so busy I don't even know how I had time for him! But I know that he is having a blast, and learning a ton! He will be a different man the next time I see him and I look forward to see how much he has grown! Plus, when he gets home I will be a different person too, and it can only get better from there!

Here is the song! Just put your mouse here! -->

Saturday, June 1, 2013

take me back

Today I spent some time going through the pictures on my phone, my old phone, and jordans old phone. And when I was going through Jordans old phone, I never realized how many times he caught me in action. I cant believe I am letting you guys see these because they are all rather disgusting, but we always had fun and Jordan always helped in making me look this good....

my new shoes

nerf gun war

krispe kremes

jordans bought me at least 7 pairs of sunglasses over the last year and a half

I think these are goggles...

he did this to my dog once...

no, I didn't let him buy these ones for me

he always loved doing my hair and being one of a select few girlfriends for some reason, I didn't care.
you have to expect one of these if he is coming with me to get impressions..

he carved his name into my arm at school one day

 no clue...
Jordan doesn't know how to do this..

this hat lasted about three seconds, but he said he loved it on me better than he did on himself

he still loves me even when I dress like this

I was always allowed to wear his hats, hes the best
These pictures always bring a smile to my face, no matter how many times I look at them, Jordan was my best friend, he brought out the best of me, he brought out the craziness in me and we always had fun! It was never a dull moment!

Friday, May 31, 2013

elambs first birthday

So, for elder lambs first birthday in the field I wanted to do something really fun for him!
For the package I put all of these random gifts in it and covered the top with tissue paper and had a letter addressed to elder depeel and elder pierson, I drew a picture for them and unfortunately I was so rushed to get the package together a picture of it all was the last thing on my mind! In the package I put balloons, a happy birthday banner, silly string, birthday glasses, bubbles, birthday crackers (like the Christmas ones but birthday ones), and a blow horn. The picture I drew was of how I wanted them to open the package with Jordan, they sent home a video a week later and I couldn't stop laughing all night long! I knew he was in good hands on his first birthday! The Lord really does bless us when we are remain obedient! I really love being a missionaries girlfriend! It is the best thing in the world!